Sunday, January 01, 2006

well, it was worth a shot.

hm, well, I don't know why I wrote that title, because I can't think of anything that's happened recently to go with it, or anything else connected with it. so if you're trying to figure out why my blog has nothing to do with the title, (or why it does, I don't know yet) then please stop, I don't appreciate you poking into the outer reaches of my brain that I don't understand, I mean, it would hardly be fair if you understood why I wrote that and I didn't, now would it? hm, and now I don't understand that whole paragraph, sooooo.... starting over.

anyway, this is pretty much late because I was in mexico without internet access when it was due, so I'll pretend that I'm writing it from there, and I'll analyze why mexico is a better place to spend christmas break than here, in utah.

well, here I am, in mexico. kinda. well, like I said in paragraph 2... you know, pretending.... just pay attention will you? so, in mexico. me. here. So why is mexico better than the U.S. for christmas? well, there's probably like a billion reasons I could list, but I'll just select a few key ones.

First and best, the climate. mazatlan mexico, located approx. 1 mile (1.6 km) south of the tropic of cancer, is about 76 to 80 degrees fahrenheit during the winter, which, believe me, is awfully nice. You don't have to wear a coat, jacket, or even a long sleeve shirt, (heck, you don't have to wear ANY shirt if you're a redneck) and you'll still be plenty warm. also, it almost never rains, and there's very little wind, making for perfect beach weather, which brings me to my second point, the beach.

While you guys are up in utah scraping the frost off your windshields, It's pretty likely that I'm down here on the beach, which is a lot nicer than those junky crowded california ones, or boogie boarding in the ocean, which is a lot warmer than those junky crowded california ones, and a WHOLE lot warmer than snow. This is nice, mostly, because it's really fun, but also because I'm NOT in utah scraping the frost off my windshield.

Another good thing about mexico is the food, they have really good tacos, churros, and fresh fruit juices, that are all dirt cheap. oh, and no health standards to get in the way of the goodness thereof. ironically, the only place anybody has ever gotten sick from eating there was the mcdonalds.

well, that pretty much sums up the big reasons why christmas break in mexico is better than in utah, so... begone! or, however I get rid of you guys.

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