Sunday, December 11, 2005

[some title thing here]

well, today I was driving from somewhere to somewhere (I forget the specifics) and I looked at my speedometer and lo and behold (gosh, I always wanted to say that) It said I was going 35 on this 25 road from somewhere to somewhere else. And we're talking mph's here, not kmph's. so, naturally, I slowed down to somewhere around 29ish, and then tried to go slower, but I realized that anywhere under 29 drives me somewhere near insane. So why would lower speeds bother me so much?

well, there's several possible reasons for this feeling, maybe I needed to be somewhere, maybe I was running from the police, maybe I was trying to catch up with an old assassination trainer ahead of me, or maybe it was just instinct left over from my former life as a cheetah. At the time, though, none of these seemed to apply.
(except for maybe that last one, hoo boy.) soooo... why can't I go slow? the more realistic reasons I can see are that my gas pedal is oversensitive, long straight roads give me no good reason to slow down, and G forces from acceleration feel awfully nice.

well, none of these reasons really seem to quite cover the problem, so I can only conclude that my former life as a cheetah hasn't quite worn off.

by the way, the police won't pull me over unless I'm going like 15 over, so don't bother calling them.


Rachy Rach said...

I thought we established that you were a giraffe in your former life.

Jarom said...

I never admitted to that. by the way, I have you're math assignment, it's one of those dumb bubble sheet things :(