Sunday, December 04, 2005


This weekend I went to rhsmun, also known as regional high school model united nations, but that's a long name. anyway, it was pretty fun, I mean, when isn't it fun to go and stay in a hotel with your friends for 3 days? the bad part was the actual mun, which usually I like, but this time, it was boring, dumb, and otherwise not cool.

first, it was boring because my committee was really small, there were only like 20 people in the room, and somehow, almost all of them were uptight nerds. especially the guy representing the U.S. you know, fat, short creepy little guy with glasses and a high voice, and took himself way too seriously. well, he was the worst, but most of the other people were bad too. There were a bunch of different ways that they were annoying, the most blatant of them being: first, that they were all too serious, like, as zac put it, they thought they were in the real un or something. Second, that they kept getting off the topic, and not even trying to solve the problems we were supposed to. like during the first topic, which was children in armed conflict, they talked the whole time about how we should educate the children, and then kept going off on tangents about how we should have celebrities come and talk to them! I mean, we're supposed to get them OUT of armed conflict. what are they going to do? "hey, you kids stop killing each other for a minute and come listen to this celebrity!"

Well, it was dumb because not only the delegates (all the kids from the schools) were annoying and dumb, but the chair was a nazi! she wouldn't let us go in the hall during unmoderated caucuses, didn't understand how anything worked, and whenever a caucus was over, she would try to beat the life out of her table with the gavel until eveyone was quiet, and then she'd do it again. After we had finished both topics, she wouldn't let us go, and then took half an hour talking about how laid back she was, and how she didn't bang the gavel hard at all because it was hers and she was afraid of breaking it. yeah right.

well, in addition to this, they took all the good restaurants out of the mall that we ate at most of the time, and joon woo had to leave early. so it doesn't sound like I completely hated the whole thing though, it was pretty fun aside from all that. zac brought his gamecube and we stole some of doug's games to play, and we went to the new mac store (that's right joon) that they just opened in salt lake. that was cool. and I'm done with this post.


Rachy Rach said...

Speaking of Joon, is he alive still?

Jarom said...

who knows?

Jarom said...

by the way, I finally e-mailed you back, now you have to reply to them.

Rachy Rach said...

Haha, Yeah, I noticed... I kind of like the (3) that's next to the Inbox thing. Inbox (3) it adds to the feng sui of my inbox. :D One day i'll e-mail you.