Sunday, November 27, 2005

all I want for christmas adds up to nothing

so lately my mom's been bugging me to give her a christmas list, but I can't think of anything I really want, well, I can, but it's all either too expensive, or so cheap that I could just go buy it myself. nothing in that great hundred dollarish range. this is really weird. a few years ago my unhesitating, and probaby before-she-even-asked reply would be legos. I didn't even have to think about it. just legos. well, as long as they weren't that boring city kind, nobody likes those. How did I come to this point that I actually have to think about what I want?

One reason for this dilemma is that the pressures of society compel us to move on from playing with toys like legos. These things are denounced as childish and to be put aside after reaching the age of 12, along with pacifiers and wanting those cool little cars that you could actually drive, but could never afford. In addition to this, most toys have ceased to retain their powers of entertainment for teenagers. They just aren't as fun anymore, (maybe) and even if they were, you just don't have as much time to play with them when you're in high school.

So after moving on from toys, mainly I wanted electronics, first palm pilots, because my parents will never let me get a game boy (I'll show them when I'm in college,) Then mp3 players. Well, now I have a pocket pc a digital camera, and an iPod. other than cars and laptops (too expensive) and things like ipod cases (too cheap) what am I supposed to ask for?

well, eventually I ended up asking for either a guitar, which I hardly even play, or iPod speakers, which are slightly more practical, but not much. Really though, I just want legos.


Rachy Rach said...
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Rachy Rach said...

" cheap that I could just go buy it myself." Rich!