Sunday, November 20, 2005

How I Owned Doug at Golf.

So me and Doug and Eric were playing golf a while ago, I think it was on halloween, but I can't remember those kinds of details. Anyway, this was my first time playing golf, I had a very vague understanding of the rules, and I completely owned both of them. and I got a hole it one.☺ well, how did this happen? partially beginner's luck, partially because I might be better at golf then I thoght I was, but mostly because this was all on a gamecube.

So the actual question I'm addressing here is not "how did I completely own doug at golf" but, why do we
sit on the couch in a state of partial coma and play these kinds of things on a gamecube instead of actually doing it? well for some games, like halo and timesplitters, the answer is pretty obvious, A: we don't actually have all those guns and courses to shoot at each other, and B: because dying in real life probably isn't quite as fun as on a gamecube. But golf? All you have to do is get some clubs and drive over to a golf course, I mean, there's at least three around here that I know of. For me, mostly it's because I'm not rich enough to play classy sports like that, but eric and doug both have enough money to do whatever they want! well, actually the point is moot if I talk about them, because they have actually played golf before. So other than money, why would I rather play a sport on nintendo than in real life?

first, because on the nintendo, you're a lot better at whatever sport it is. for instance: where in the actual game, I would probably be lucky and happy to get a hole in 10 shots, on the nintendo, I can get a hole in one, and get mad if I shoot par. weird how that works.

second, I'm lazy. getting up and getting clubs and driving to a golf course is a lot of work! I mean, It's hardly worth it if you have to do all that stuff first! why do that when you could stay where you are, play the same game, and do a lot better at it? don't ask me.

well, I think that pretty much sums it up, while neither of those are really good reasons, they sound that way when you're sitting on a couch in a state of partial coma.

1 comment:

Jarom said...

i've gotten two now doug, you just forgot it to make yourself feel better.