Sunday, November 06, 2005

Term Two Premiere!

I think all my blogs actually have to be analytical this term. (<-concrete detail) hm. hmhmhm.... this ain't cool. (<-Analysis)

Technically that would work mr. rich, but I'll try to abide by the spirit of the law and actually write something longer than a sentence and two fragments.

er, if I could think of something to write, hold on a minute.

Since time began, males have all wanted the same thing. This is a natural instinct that we are born with, and it continues to drive all of our actions throughout life. Whenever a male has a major decision to make in life, this ultimate goal guides him as he asks himself this question to determine what direction to take: "What choice will bring me closer to achieving that greater enlightened state of owning an actual lightsaber?"

No seriously, maybe it's not a guiding force in everybody's life (we're allowing for the type of people who camp out at theaters that aren't even showing the movie, here), but can any male person honestly say they've never dreamed of having a lightsaber? I certainly can't.

Ultimately, I think this desire for a lightsaber comes from several sources. First, the male's love of technology, whether he knows what it does or not, combined with the elegant grace of a sword (a.k.a. "something that you can break stuff with") makes the possession of the jedi's weapon of choice irresistible to us. Second, they're dang cool! and that's my analysis, because that pretty much sums it up.


Rachy Rach said...

Jarom, I'm taking a page out of Doug's book: *slaps forehead*

Jarom said...

yeah, well, don't slap too hard.

Noelle said...

hey, I like lightsabers

Jarom said...

yeah, they're way cool.

Jarom said...

that's weird, somebody like, put a comment on here, but it's invisible or something!

koreankow said...