Sunday, November 13, 2005


Why do I always put things off? well, to answer this bluntly: because I don't want to do it right now, here, in this moment. well, that would answer it simply, except that I already know perfectly well that I won't want to do it later, because that will be the new now, and applying rule one, I don't want to do it right now. and yet I still put it off because of rule one again. I don't want to do it right now. well, I'm just really confusing myself, so I'm going to move on from this part.

For an example, last night I thought about doing some of my homework so that I wouldn't have so much to do today. seems simple enough. but then I thought, "well, I don't want to do it 'right now', but I'm sure my future-tomorrow self will be happy to do all of it for me." Of course I realized that this was completely stupid, and that if my future-tomorrow self was there to hear me say something like that, he would likely kill or maim me. well then I put it off anyway, and probably thought something along the lines of, "if only my past-yesterday self had done this, then I wouldn't have had this problem right now. This is all his fault, the jerk." but of course, that past-yesterday self didn't want to do it "right now" either, so he laid the load on me, and probably blamed it on the past-day-before-yesterday self, who was the first one to know about it. well, the only real solution to this problem is to get me, my past-yesterday self, and my future-tomorrow self, and everybody in between, take them back in time, and beat up that first guy until he does it for us. the jerk. unfortunately, that's not possible.

Well, that's pretty much the train of thought that piled all of this work on me. (which is now the future-tomorrow guy, who was probably the only one who shouldn't have had to do it, but I'll stay out of all that) aaaaand... I'll finish this later.

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