Friday, January 13, 2006

they said it couldn't be done.

well, my ipod nano now officially plays more little arcade games, doom 1, and videos. and maybe gameboy games too, I'm not so sure about that one. well, you might wonder how I got my ipod to do all this great stuff, unless of course I already told you, but we'll ignore that for now. By installing a hack/alternate operating system called ipod linux, you can put all these cool things and more on your ipod, pretty much turning it into a little computer. so why would you want to do this?

one reason is that it makes my ipod a lot more fun, if I feel like it, I can play doom on my ipod, or watch little movies (which are actually really good quality for such a tiny screen), or I can always switch back to the regular old ipod interface, which, being made by mac, is pretty much perfect, and listen to music.

A really good reason not to install this operating system though, is that it's really hard to install, It took me about two hours and a lot of hesitance to do it. So if you're lazy, or don't understand computers very much, you might end up breaking your ipod. which probably isn't the best thing to do to it in most cases.

Overall though, I think this is an improvement, because, as I'm sure some old greek philosopher might have said if he had thought of it or known what it meant, "two operating systems are better than one!"


Jarom said...

and of course, just to make me wrong, it ended up getting deleted when my ipod reset itself after being plugged into the stupid windows computer we have. maybe I'll reinstall it someday.

Rachy Rach said...

HA! I giggle in your general direction, which at this time would probably be at Doug's house.... Are you getting wasted again?

Jarom said...

no, i did pretty good today. i beat eric once (but doug won) and we didn't finish the second game, but me and doug were tied.