Sunday, January 22, 2006

mutual hate

After reading the title, probably everybody I know thinks this blog just might be about themselves. well get over yourselves, cause it's not. So what is it about? well, see if you can figure it out.

A few days ago I was driving to a certain friend's house, who for some reason lives ridiculously far away. While I didn't get lost this time, I did get stuck at every single light on state street on the way there. This wouldn't seem that odd until you take into account that I know perfectly well how often the lights on statestreet turn red from when you try to cross it on another street: precisely never. So what would cause the planets to align in such a way that I would get stuck at every one of the five lights I went through, all in a row, on a street that the lights are green for ten minutes straight, and only stay red for approx. five seconds? who knows?

well, I have my theories: traffic hates me, other cars hate me, some guy who switches the lights sees my car coming and it looks the same as his mother-in-law's, I send off a negative karma to lights that makes them hate me. The list goes on and on.
All I can say is that I increasingly have this feeling that someone or something is out to get me.

hm, well now I really don't know what the title of this blog meant, so if anybody can tell, I'd be happy for the help.

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