Sunday, January 29, 2006

BYUMUN and power beans

well, yesterday I went to BYUMUN (that's BYU MUN, for those of you who don't speak stupid acronym) and did nothing all day but laugh. yeah, it rocked.

so I guess you might wonder about my sanity. ha, as though you didn't already. but it was very interesting how this all worked out. during our lunch break, me doug and zac got a whole pizza each, hehe, and after eating them, we went to the byu bookstore to buy candy. While buying the bulk skittles and mike & ike combination, we noticed little bags of something called sport beans, (which we somehow ended up calling power beans, I don't know why), and they were only 79 cents so me and doug each bought a pack. After that we went and bought powerade and, now being 15 minutes late for committee, "hurried" back. well, it all went either up or downhill from there, depending on your perspective, if you were me doug or zac, it was about the funniest thing that ever happened, but if you were, say, katrina stoddard, you might have more of a "You didn't get more power beans did you?" or "NO more beans for you!" kind of attitude. hahaha. well, needless to say, we laughed for an hour and a half straight, about pretty much anything that happened.

So why did these little jelly beans make us so hyper? well, the jelly belly company might make up something about containing special elecrolytes and such, but the ingredients went something along the lines of "contains: sugar, and less than 2% of the following..." hahaha. So mostly I think it was more the fact that we wanted to be hyper. Our committee was boring like all get out, and it was the only way out! so, walking out of byumun, I'm sure everybody else in the room was ready to slap some straight jackets on us and lock us in a padded room. but we had fun.

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