Sunday, February 19, 2006


well, I was going to write a haiku, but it just didn't work out that way. I mean, I'm all set to write a japanese poem, but then I think, "wait, I don't know HOW to write a haiku!" and of course I'm too lazy to open a new internet window and find out. I find that happens a lot, I get myself already to do something, and get all excited about it- only to find that I'm actually much too lazy to do it. why does this happen?

And while I'm answering this question, why do I always have to ask why in these blogs? it can only be found that my english teacher requires that we cannot make a simple statement, but have to analyse the statement- cut it into little pieces until the once beautiful, innocent thought, flying free in the wind, is cut into much smaller pieces and lays in helpless tatters on the ground, fluttering around blown by every gust that slashes across its remains.

A thought free, aloft
Shattered on the ground hopes- lost
thinks of wasted thought

Seems I lost my train of thought on that one, but- I'm too lazy to find it again.


Noelle said...

that's a pretty awesome haiku

Jarom said...

yeah, it pretty much rocks.