Sunday, February 26, 2006


So what is it that causes some of us to have really strong opinions about some things, and others to not care at all? Or to care very strongly about certain things and not give a second thought to other things? I bring this up not out of desperation for something to write about for once, but because I seem to be that last type. I find that sometimes I'll care deeply about something completely stupid and irrelevant, like, say, the color of an ipod, and I couldn't care less whether or not there was a giant earthquake about to- in the words of billy- "destroy us all!"

For example, I care deeply about whether or not somebody likes Megas XLR (chicks dig giant robots!), devotedly about the type of computer they prefer, and may just kill them depending on their views on Intelligent Design. At the same time though, I find myself not noticing things like global warming, yawning when people talk about gas prices, and retreating into my own little world as soon as someone mentions Lost.

So why is this? It's mostly driven by straight pure wonderful selfishness. Megas XLR is the greatest show in the world. I like it, so should all of you! Macs are the best computers ever, and windows is only still around because the general populous follow the crowd like sheep.
And if I ever hear anyone I know say that Intelligent design should be taught in schools, I really might just kill you. Personally, I believe in almost all of evolution, maybe not exactly how it's taught, but most of the basics you just can't argue with. The people who seem to be so intent on pushing this "intelligent design" issue so far are morons who still live with their moms and need to get a life. or two.

Those last three issues though? They don't apply to me, so I couldn't care less! global warming sure isn't affecting me, leave it alone! I don't pay for my own gas, so why should I care? and lost? well, does it matter?

Basically I guess everybody has strong views about some things that I don't care about, and may not care whether or not they took my favorite show off of cartoon network.

Another one of my strong views is that everybody should have the same opinions as me.


Rachy Rach said...

Until Brayden buys you or I a mac, I will firmly stand by the holiness of PC's.

Jarom said...

boooooooooooooooooooo-(breath) -oooooooooooooooooooooooo.