Sunday, March 05, 2006

Chicks dig giant robots.

Megas XLR. Best. Show. Ever. Well, I should explain a little bit about this show. It's about this guy named Coop who somehow manages to buy a robot from the future from a junkyard for 2 bucks. After doing some touchups, like replacing the missing head with a 1972 Plymouth Barracuda and... well... touching it up all around, he goes around with his loser friend jamie, and kiva, who's from the future, in his giant robot and beats up a bunch of bad guys. mostly some aliens bent on taking over the earth, called the glorft.

So why is this show so cool? It's hilarious, it's full of cultural references, parodies, subtle humor, and satire.

It's Hilarious. Plain and simple. I mean, just look at the theme song!
Living here in Jersey
Fighting villains from afar
You gotta find first gear
In your giant robot car

You dig giant robots
I dig giant robots
We dig giant robots
Chicks dig giant robots

No explanation needed.
Also, In every episode they blow up the entirety of jersey city, and yet, come next episode, it's always back again.

It's chock full of cultural references. In every episode they blow up some sort of POPTV (spoof of MTV) billboard, sign, building, blimp, pretty much anything. After a little background research, I found out that this is because MTV cancelled the first show that these same people made. This is their way of venting their anger. nice. They also make fun of everything from the DMV to Slurpees to fake cheese nachos.

It has lots of parodies too. The very concept of the show is a huge parody of giant robot cartoons, and they steal lots of the exact moves from gundam and the such. They even Parody Strong Bad in one episode, using the signature "Double Deuce". One of the best examples of parodies in this cartoon is the episode "ultra chicks" where the whole thing is one big jab at sailor moon. I can tell that and I've never even watched sailor moon! There's also a couple of episodes making fun of power rangers, which I can relate to. hehe, first grade, power rangers, good times.

The show is also just full of subtle humour. There's always little signs in the background which say funny little things, and whenever you see coop reaching down to press one of the seemingly limitless buttons on the control panel, there's a new convenient label on some button or meter that quickly flashes past. some of these are as follows:
More Missles
'ALL the Missles!
The button you should have pushed five minutes ago.
Five minutes till the end of the show.
Big Red Button of Irony

The Same Button He Just Barely Pressed
Bet You Can't Guess What This Button Does
Hurt the Good Guys- I mean, Don't Hurt the Good Guys
Warm - Hot - DANG!

In conclusion. Megas is the best show ever created, and you should go watch it, and write hundreds of angry letters to cartoon network telling them to put it back on the air. right now.
<- And that's coop.

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