Saturday, March 25, 2006

hey wait a minute, You guys are Zombies!!! AAAAAH!!!

Well, there's a couple of different things I could write about that I did this weekend, but you all get to hear about another cartoon instead. The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy is about two kids who win the eternal friendship of the grim reaper by beating him in a game of limbo. (judging by the picture, I bet you can't guess why) This show might sound like a goth show, but it's actually really really funny.

This show is funny for a few reasons. First, it's really really stupid, which always makes a show funnier. It also parodies many other shows, movies, books, etc. and the characters are hilarious.

Parodies in billy and mandy run from harry potter (nigel planter) to the power puff girls, but it doesn't only rely on parodies for it's content. It's also got all kinds of great content of it's own in every episode.

The Characters in this show are great. Mandy is evil and never smiles, Grim, for all his association of death, really seems to just be a nice guy, and billy's happily oblivious to pretty much everything.

Overall, this show is just really funny. go watch it right now.


Rachy Rach said...

Why do I have the funny feeling you're just trying to show how many pictures you can get off Google and stick onto your blogs?

Anyway, I meant to tell you that from your analysis, it sounds to me like a kid's version of the Simpsons. how does that make you feel about it now, eh?

Jarom said...

Nyah! and most of them weren't off of google. so there. You're just jealous because you've only seen that one lame episode of it.