Sunday, January 01, 2006

why yes, this IS a larger font than the one below.

well, once again, I sit here trying to think of something good to write about. hm. I think I'll write about... um... the... uh... relevance of... midieval- er- testing... techniq- nevermind, I'll analyze Dance Dance Revolution.

so, there's this game, it's called dance dance revolution, or ddr, as us nerdy types like to call it. the basic concept of this game is pretty simple, but not simple enough to explain in this blog, so we'll just say you play with your feet on a dance pad instead of on a controller with your fingers. if you can't figure it out past that, then you'll just have to deal with it, or ask somebody who's more prone to explaining this type of thing.

Well, DDR is a good game for a lot of reasons. It's really fun, it's got catchy music, and you get exercise from playing it. It's fun because, well, who knows why, but it just is. It seems like a kind of dumb idea, you just press the arrows with you're feet as they come up on the screen, but for some reason it's insanely entertaining, or maybe addicting is a better word, but either way, I like it. It has really catchy music, and a lot of different varieties of it too, so if you feel like dancing to nintendo music then you can do that, or if you want to listen to Japanese pop music then it's got lots of that too. Another thing you get out of playing this game is the exercise. You can only play this game for about ten minutes before you have to sit down and stare at the ceiling in a coma for a while. Well, maybe you could see this as a bad thing, why let your legs get all the exercise and end up with weak fingers? well, if you seem to have that idea stuck in your head for some unfathomable reason, get over it.

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