Sunday, April 30, 2006

AP tests

Well I finally finished my 6 ap tests on wednesday, and since I know somebody will ask, here's the list again: AP Calculus, AP US History, AP Art, AP Unites States Government and Politics, AP Comparative Government and Politics, and AP Environmental Science. So after taking all those tests, a couple of my grades have dropped below C- level, and I've missed all of my A day classes for about two weeks. and some B day classes. Why do I put myself through this? maybe it's because of the college credit, maybe it's the joy of being the only one to run out of AP labels, or maybe it's just bragging rights (erm... no) but whatever it is, I'm tired of thinking, so in conclusion, it's a bad idea to take more than like... 3... tests. I guess...


Rachy Rach said...

Actually, more than... 0. By the way, what 6 AP tests did you take? ;)

Jarom said...

Yeah, you're probably right.