Sunday, October 02, 2005

Until I know what's going on

From reading the title you would think that this would be a deep essay analyzing my most profound thoughts and feelings. Well it's not. You would have to be a pretty shallow person to find anything on this entire blog in the slightest bit insightful. Sorry to dissappoint you. That title is made up of completely random words that flew through my head as I stared at the wall. Sounds like a good name for a song or something though, doesn't it?

Anyway, has anybody else noticed that you can think of anything you want to, whenever you want to? Until you're actually told to do so. Typically, my mind is full of unanalyzed thoughts zipping around screaming profanities as they collide with each other. This is usually the case, honestly. Until, that is, I'm asked to write an analytical essay. Right then, my thoughts stop, lean on their cars, and stare at the sky. The blank, empty, silent sky of my head. The sky that's about as void of potentially analytical thoughts as the real sky is of hundred dollar bills. And that's where I'm at right now. Completely. Blank. So I start to wonder, Does this paragraph count as being analytical? Probably not. Should I get on with my life and go do my other homework? probably.


Rachy Rach said...

You analyzed writing an analytical essay? *slaps forhead* you make me giggle.

Jarom said...

um, yeah, I couldn't think of anything, okay? and don't slap your forhead, it's bad for you.

koreankow said...