Sunday, October 09, 2005

Then it seems we are at an impass!

hm. So I'm sitting here wondering what to write about, yet again. this seems to be a constant plague for me. maybe I'll get over it if I sit here long enough................................................................
.....................................................................(about ten minutes worth of dots here guys).......................
............................................................................................................................. .............. .... .. .

Okay, I got over it just now when I was showing my little brother how I made this blog. (for some reason he seemed to think it was pretty special, don't ask me why.) So I was making another one, just to show him that I'm not really as good at nerdy internety stuff as he thought, and then I saw something really stupidcool, which is a term I just made up, meaning "both stupid and cool" (all rights reserved)

I was looking at the settings for the blog, and noticed something called adsense, apparently, you can sign up for it, and it will put ads on your blog! isn't that great?!? well I didn't think so either, but apparently, you actually get PAID for having ads on your blog. Pathetic. I mean, who's going to be so stupid that they'll go and sign up for something that, if anything, will earn you like a tenth of a cent per click? So obviously I signed up for it right away.

It says you get payed for how many times the ad is clicked on, and how many times it shows up on your blog. Naturally, nobody is going to visit my blog and click on ads enough for me to make any money, but hey, if I ever have time, I can always do it myself! man, I feel either dishonest or stupid.

Anyway, guys, if any of you ever feel like clicking on ads over and over again, my blog is open 24/7 remember, no shirts, no shoes, no pants, no service!


koreankow said...


koreankow said...

Wait wait... You can earn MONEY BY TYPING BLOGS????? Whoa. can I somehow jump on the bandwagon eheh?
Anyhoo have fun earning monies moneys money money. "A winter night is just like any other night"

koreankow said...

"A winter night is just like any other night"

Jarom said...

I'll get you joon woo.