Sunday, August 13, 2006

Schooly Things

Well, I don't know if anybody actually looks at this blog anymore, because I usually don't, but here's my schedule for anybody who might happen to look and care. tell me if you have any of the same classes.

1st semester
A1+B1- College Writing (dist. learning) (semester)
A2 - Multimedia (semester)
A3 - Lifetime Sports (semester)
A4 - AP psychology (year)

B0 - Health Science (dist. learning) (semester)
B2 - Seminary
B3 - AP Art (year)
B4 - AP English (year, but I might drop it)

2nd semester

A1 - Seminary
A2 - Right now it says I have multimedia, but I'm supposed to transfer out halfway through the year and sign up for some distance learning class that I forgot what it is.
A3 - Absolutely nothing, but the counselors seem to think I have to TA or somethings. we'll see if I can keep it blank.
A4 - AP Psychology still

B1 - Released
B2 - Humanities (Dist. learning) (semester)
B3 - AP Art Still
B4 - AP English still, but I still might transfer out
A5+B5- Philosophy 2050 (dist. learning) (semester)

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