Sunday, September 18, 2005

isn't that great?!?

So I don't know exactly what to write about, but I do know that I officially hate this font so it'll change pretty soon... here... well, that was prompt. Um, anyway.

Okay, so my brother says I should write about just how dumb primary piano books are, and, not being able to think of anything better, I guess that's what I'll write about.

So just opening up to a random song in "Bastien Piano Basics: Performance Level 1" I come across a piece called "Robots Marching". Okay, so first, it has this faded, unnatractive picture of of seemingly happy, fake looking, robot... things. we'll call 'em clown-bots, because they look more like clowns, than bots, er, robots. I mean, that right there makes me want to turn to a different page immediately, and maybe throw up if I have time. So this is what cutting edge robotic technology will become? a bunch of baby blue and pink clown looking things with big smiles pasted on their heads and hollow eyes? If so, I'm off to Amish-ville. But for the sake of the blog, I won't be swayed by just the picture, so on I trudge.

After the awful first impression, we go on to the second, I mean, don't judge a book by it's cover and all. This is where we get to the music. I mean, the robots were bad, so what? a song about robots has got to be pretty good right? no. Anybody who can listen to this music and envision marching robots, even the cheesy clowny ones, has got to be issues. or have issues, whatever. At best, I listen to this music, close my eyes, and see a bunch of washed out 17th century aristocrats at a boring party. You would expect a moving piece with minor undertones suggesting the imminent destruction of mankind by the means of their mechanical creations gone wrong, sorry, you're a beginner, you won't get to play stuff like that until you're twenty five and still living with your mom. The music is lighthearted and mostly made up of pieces of scales and the same chord over and over again in the bass. You can just imagine the poor robots dying of boredom. It doesn't even have a marching tempo. But then, the piece was beyond saving to begin with.

So this is what piano playing society is based on. Lies. Lies and a completely altered and boringed up image of our future in technology. And parents wonder why their kids don't like practicing piano. I hereby blame all my and everyone elses dislike of practicing on this book. right here. with an initial introduction like that, It's no wonder I've been biased against the instrument since I was seven!

1 comment:

koreankow said...

"A winter night is just like any other night"